We are pleased to announce that the Ferretti Group BEST INNOVATION AWARD 2018 goes to Quick S.p.A.
The winning project is the bow thruster brushless on the Ferretti670. A big thanks to Ferretti’s team for the opportunity, we won’t stop growing, innovating and taking new challenge!
我們很高興地宣布法拉帝集團2018年最佳創新獎授予Quick S.p.A.
獲獎項目是使用於 Ferretti 最新670上的無刷推進器。 非常感謝Ferretti 團隊給予的機會,我們不會停止成長,創新和接受新的挑戰!
NO carbon brushes / 無碳刷
Low power consumption / 低功耗
Silent operation / 無聲操作
Proportional control standard / 比例式控制
Unimited runtime / 無限制的運行時間
Easy to install / 安裝簡便